Friday, October 24, 2008

A Wonderful Birthday Month With 3 Great Couples!

For the past 3 years, I decided not to just celebrate my birthday but celebrate my birth month! :-) To kick of the yearly celebration, I sky-dived from 10,000 feet at 120 miles per hour through Long Island Skydiving Center. I bought a video of it and they set it to the soundtrack of Sweet Home Alabama. Forward to 3 years later and this month has been FANTASTIC!!! For the past 3 weekends, I spent it out of town. Once with my father and the other 2 weekends with clients. I was able to fulfill one of my dreams of being serenaded on a gondola with my engagement photoshoot for Nicole and Daniel in Central Park, the fragrant hillside of Wave Hill in New York with Candy and Sean, and a visit to the sweet home of Alabama for Carly and Branch's wedding. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday month with such LOVELY and AMAZING clients!!! :-) Thanks everyone :-) I have posted a picture from each couple below and will post more pictures in a future blog and on the main website. I took a shot at my dream of adding a fashion photography flair to some of my pictures and am loving the results as the clients ROCKED! Hey, why not take up the challenge I've done and make your birthday month as special as you can! :-)


Anonymous said...

Awwww...yeah...that's what I'm talking about. I've got to go look at the Destination Wedding shots. And the one with couple on bench (she on top, he on bottom)...looks sophisticated. That's hot!

-G. Mike

Shelly Edwards said...

Thanks G. Mike :-) The destination wedding slideshow is up now; do enjoy :-) I love the bench shot as they look like models. Have a beautiful day!